Sun Valley Fishing Report & Chinook Salmon...

Here's an image taken yesterday at Dagger Falls on the Middle Fork Of The Salmon River.  It's a Chinook Salmon trying to make it up the very long and fast Dagger Falls.  There were at least a dozen or so Chinook hanging out below the falls and then trying to leap and make it up. I enjoyed a great day just cruising Idaho roads looking for shots and trying not to donate all of my blood to the very abundant mosquito population...

Camera: Nikon D3S

Lens: Nikon AFS 2.8 80-200

Aspen Study 1

Aspen Study 2

Camera: Nikon D3s

Lens: Nikon 24 PC-E


The Fishing:

The Lost and Wood are still too high to reasonably fish.  The Wood just dropped back down to 1,870 cfs and the historic mean flow for today is 886 cfs!  So we still have time on our hands before the Wood becomes fishable.  I just got back from my trip to Silver Creek this morning and it was SLOW.  I fished the Nature Conservancy section and we had a very light baetis emergence and just a few pmd's and callibaetis.  Very few fish were up eating anything where I was. Hopefully today was more of an anomaly and that things will pick up as we are super limited on our fishable water at the moment...