American Angler Cover

Excited to have the cover of the new issue of American Angler. This shot was taken a few summer’s ago on Silver Creek on what was a truly memorable July day on Silver Creek. This was in the afternoon which meant the crowds had left after the morning hatch and the Creek was virtually void of fishermen—at least on the section I was on.

Silver Creek Rainbow

Heat of the day. Packed SUV's leave dust contrails on their way north with float tubes plastered to the roofs. Pretty soon Silver Creek is left with those who don't know any better or those who hope the weed beds will soon be smothered in a giant blue orgy. I've banked on it plenty of times and come up empty handed. It's a bit of a roll of the dice, but when it happens and enough fish are keyed into Damselflies, it'll make for a memorable afternoon.

A Silver Creek rainbow after taking a Damselfly.

American Angler

Here's an image of mine appearing as the Table of Contents spread in the current issue of American Angler.

This was a fun shot to take on Silver Creek. It's actually one of a series of shots that shows this rainbow either about to take or just after taking this balled up spider web loaded with tricos. All of the other fish in this pod either ignored or refused this web ball, except for Spidy--so named do to its proclivity for trico laced spider web.

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Silver Creek Rising Rainbow

Cool and cloudy weather and often times flat out wet weather over the last two weeks have really ramped up the hatches on Silver Creek. Baetis and Mahogany Duns have been super consistent except for the days with too much rain. The image below was taken on Silver Creek during light rain and a good Baetis emergence.