Nick Price Photography

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Spinner Madness

After last night's prolific emergence it was certainly easier to predict that there would be an incredible number of bugs in the grass today.  And there were.  Big time.  The fish may have acted a little full last night and today on top of that just about every other living creature that relies on eating bugs for a living acted as though the meal of a lifetime had come.  Gluttony.  Satiated.  Spider webs were full and heavy.  Red Wing Blackbirds flew less and called less and mainly ignored the smorgasbord in the tall spring-green grass.  This ephemeral phenomenon is unlike anything else.  I'll be posting here at least for the next five or so days brown drake shots.  I have only sorted through a dozen or so of over 600 frames I have taken in the last two days.


Here's one from last night as the stream of fifty to sixty nearby cars files out.  I left the creek just before 1 AM and as the clouds started to conceal the no moon, bright star, night.


I captured this next frame after all the cars had left for home or campsites.


Zac Mayhew trying to get that cripple 6 and 1/3 inches from the far bank.






Turkish moon and Jupiter and headlamp help.  Note the tiny headlamp lights in the background.


Brown drakes anyone?